Quarter and Sheet Panels Installation Advice

Thank you for all the replies. I would have responded sooner but I was going full tilt on the car. You all touched upon very good points. I will make sure I level everything. I have it on a good concrete floor and have the ability to check it over and over. No big rush but the colder weather is coming.

My plug welds else where have been showing some slight surface rust development. I plan on using epoxy primer but I was hoping someone had a suggestion for coating the welds until I do a larger scale spray.

Would anyone have suggestions for protecting the welds where I installed panels with a primer? Should I use just epoxy primer? Can I spray zinc primer and then spray epoxy over it?

I do have Premium Rust Encapsulator from Eastwood and two cans of 2K epoxy primer. I want to use the can of epoxy but once you begin you have to use the can within 24 hours? It's expensive so I don't want to waste it. I was hoping to cover the welds with something else until I cover with epoxy.

Maybe coat the welds with the encapsulator and the epoxy prime it?

Any suggestions? Think you all or the replies.