You’re not listening. I said “port for port”. Take the valve angle out of it, and the SBC PORT is better. The 18 degree valve angle is what makes the weaker SBM port make more power.

Why take anything out of it? When you bolt the head on and the engine runs you can't take anything out of it.

You can’t just look at one aspect of any head and claim one is better than the other without looking at valve angle, port angle, cross section, chamber shape, plug location, pushrod pinch etc. It all adds up.

Again, port for port, the SBC port is better. No it's not--the SBC has 50+ years of OEM and aftermarket development behind it. Chrysler gave it a shot and it was superior right out of the gate.

I watched that video. There was much that UT nailed. He has figured out that building big inch small blocks with OE architecture is a bad thing. Something I’ve known for decades, and have written many times here. UT couldn't nail anything in a wood shop. The only thing we agree on is strokers are not all that and a bag of chips.

That’s the biggest take away from that video.

His flame test is iffy at best. It takes about 15 minutes on a flow bench using various pressure drops to see the issues with the SBM exhaust ports.Iffy? It's downright unscientific and all for the camera. Everything he does is for the camera-that's why he releases like 2 videos a day--for the clicks.

What I figured out along time ago is this: If a SBC head flows 220 cfm the cylinder may only "see" and use 199 cfm. A SBM head that flows 219 cfm will see and use 210 cfm. This is due to the valve angle 23* vs 18* . This is also why a SBC will respond to angle milling better than a SBM. It's also why a BBM responds to angle milling and a dowel shift BIGTIME. J.Rob