Another Chevy troll. Have fun with this.

He's not a chevy troll.
Though I haven't spoke with him in years, I know him to be one of thee most DIEHARD mopar guys I've ever met, and hanging g with him helped me jump ahead a few steps past the other guys I was hanging with.
It is absolutely true the exhaust is not as important in flow numbers as is the intake.
My j head go 280's intake and only 187-190's exhaust....and that motor will rip a new asshole and into 7000 rpm.
@pittsburghracer Brought this up...that air speed in the exhaust port is far more important than the peak flow number...

If you have any experience to compare'll understand it's TRUE. Enginebuilder talks about it, many have said..but its gets burried... because they wanna sell heads!
Check it out. Its beating your head against the wall chasing flow numbers and trying to stay in the generally accepted ratio..when you don't need to. It's an 'on paper vs real life' kinda thing.
60,70,80's Chevy pockets arent deep enough btw, those ports suck. We all know that.