A Big Thank You

I'm not giving specific names here, because I know I would leave someone out. I want to thank each and every one of you who've contributed anything, whether it be parts, advice, jokes and even insults lol. Without all of your input, my project would likely not exist. I've had people send me parts for free, absolutely refusing payment, even for shipping. Give me free advice that we all know takes time out of someone's day. I cannot thank all of you enough. The last few years have been pretty hard on Kitty and I. More so Kitty than me. She's had four heart attacks and a stroke in the past few years. She's just had surgery on her left leg Thursday for vein trouble and goes in next Thursday for the right leg...or "laig" as she says. lol But without all of yalls help, we wouldn't be working on the Valiant on and off like we are. I do thank you all.