Trickflow Valve springs & Scrub pattern

The comp rockers have a very narrow range for correct adjuster position, and it has nothing to do with what rockers that use std ball adjusters would be like.

Screw the adjuster up into the rocker as far as it will go. Go back down one turn...... that’s the optimum position.
Use the correct thickness feeler gauge between the valve and rocker, expand the pushrod checking tool to take up all the clearance.
Order pushrods that length with a 5/32” radius.

The star pattern on the rockers is from a lack of valvetrain control(inadequate spring pressure).

Using a dial caliper, verify spring the height mic reads correctly.
I have seen several that were pretty far off(as ridiculous as that sounds).

Dammit...I forgot he has Comp rockers.

You are correct, one turn down. If the OP does have 2 threads showing those are way to far down and the chrysler number of 9/32 doesn’t apply.

I know the rocker takes a 5/32 ball, but I’d bet the lifter takes a 3/16 ball, unless they are very old, or the exception.