New best tonight

I had driven my car to work a couple years ago and while at work it blew up a storm. The rain stopped about two hours before I left work for home but the roads were still wet when I left. There are only a couple traffic lights on the ride and I was slowing to stop as one was red. I was down to about 35 or so mph when the light went green. When I lightly picked up the throttle the car went stupid. It's a good thing there was no one in the lane next to me. The road I live on is mostly curves so for the seven miles I drive it I was on pins and needles. I coasted through the curves and very gingerly picked up the throttle when the road straightened out.

I don't want to repeat the drive.
Had pretty much the same thing happen back with my W5 car and QTP’s. Even going slow the car pretty much went where it wanted. I was just along for the ride at anything over about 10mph. DOT....hah hah

You decide if your racing yet at BG?