Stop in for a cup of coffee

Wow, geez, thanks a lot people.
Wouldn't of had a clew i would get these comments by posting Howdy Dooty, in a reply on this forum.

Your right, i mostly surf thru this section, without putting in a post.
Dunno why.
Just happened to have a picture of Howdy in my picture files, and the perfect opportunity was there.

Don't know if i should post this or not, as i really don't like to post personal issues on any of the web sites, but i most likely will be gone off these sites for awhile.

I have been diagnosed with a bad heart, that is requiring surgery.
I need a "valve job" and some artery work.
Have the big appointment with the people, doctor, at the hospital, Wednesday morning.
I'll know more about it then.
Surgery, 4 or 5 days in the ICU ward, maybe two weeks in a care facility hospital, then months of recovery with health care, at home.
I live alone, so the care issue still has to be worked out.

Anyone ever go thru heart surgery?
How did your recovery go?
That's what's got me concerned, more than the surgery itself.

Fell comfortable telling me, write me a pm.
Thank's a lot.
Jim V.
While I certainly can’t speak for other folks I can tell you my father had open heart valve work and triple bypass done about two years ago. I think just before TMM had his done. My father had very similar result. The effects of the surgery were both immediate and life changing. Even the color of his skin improved. Literally everything about his life was dramatically impacted very positively. There is no way to quantify it but I am guessing the surgery added twenty years of good living to his life. He was not the worlds best candidate. He has now lost quite a bit of weight and has started an exercise regime with the new found energy the surgery provided him. Pay attention to what the Doctors tell you and do what they tell you to do. This is one of those events they simply know more than you do. They do it every single day and they know what works and what doesn’t. This is not the kind of surgery to be hard headed or determined to do it your way. The folks in the cardio wards are the best there is, listen to them. My father can walk and walk now, he does not struggle to breathe etc etc. You will be fine, while it is a no fun event the hardiest part is getting out of bed tethered to all the tubes! You will feel so much better post surgery. Good luck Sir.