Stop in for a cup of coffee

I saw that a two day indoor show and masked thanks!!
Yeh, I guess that would make it suck a bit. It does suck all day at work. Had a few people at my yard sale wearing them. I didn't. One woman with 2 kids had them on. Didn't buy anything. They wanted a couple things and she wouldn't get them. Crossed my mind that maybe she didn't want to deal with me not wearing a mask.
no, it'll end shortly after november's election.
'They' cant end it too quick. We will all kose trust in the government. Oh wait, nobody trusts them now.Nevermind...

Maybe, but I feel like it’s being hyped up a little bit here for the election. I’m not saying it’s full blown hype, but I think some of the things are. For example, why is it they claim no Covid spikes from thousands of people rioting all over the country, yet the news turns around and says beach goers are spiking cases or that a Trump rally caused a spike.
People aren't getting it outside on the beach. It's the parties and stuff where they get together inside and packing together on the boardwalk.

The trim???
@halifaxhops Mitch didn't lose his trim. He just can't get there right now.

Good Morning