home gym routine

ok, i decided to get started as follows:
800 reps on the healthrider bike as a warm up (thats about 15 minutes)
then 3 sets of 10-15 reps (closer to 15 on the first, closer to 10 on the last)

leg extensions, #2 (40 lbs)
i got to figure out a taller seat for this one, my legs drag the ground because im too tall, and the seat is not adjustable
flat chest press, #5 (83 lbs)
butterflies, #4 (30 lbs per arm)
behind the neck pull downs #5 (70 lbs)
frontal pull downs #6 (80 lbs)

and 400 reps on the rider for a cool down

Totally agree with the Athlean x comment.
Some may disagree, weight is not really lost in the gym. It is lost in the kitchen. Without a change in diet, your actual weight loss will be way less if you only lift. Won’t even be close.

its got to go hand in hand
kinda like adding headers or an intake
both will help on their own, but adding them both really makes it pop

i cant remember the name now, but one of our members has a thread going where he is knocking down the pounds
he somehow figured out the amount of calories his body needs and adjust his diet to that
the he lowly lowered his intake down and even managed to get it to where he could predict his own weightloss based on his diet (i seem to specifically remember reading a post of his where he compared the difference between a medium and a large fries)

Or maybe I should switch to aluminum blocks!!!!! Never thought of that!!:thumbsup:

didnt they make an aluminum slantie?