833 Gear Pitting... Help!

If by nearly ,you mean ratios, yes and no.
The most common A833 ratios, with splits in (), are;
----2.66(.722)1.92(.729)1.40(.714)1.00 ... And the Commando is;
3.09(.621)----1.92(.729)1.40(.714)1.00 ...and the A833od is;
3.09(.542)---------1.67(.599)--------1.00-------.73od .. the A230s are;
3.08(.552)---------1.70(.588)--------1.00 and
-----2.55(.584)----------1.49(.67)---1.00 (short third)

But you only have to bang thru the gears once with an A833, to want to throw the A230 away.The extra gear and tight splits make all the difference,especially the smaller your engine is, or the less power it has, or the more narrow the engine's powerband is..
For example Say you had the 3.08low A230
And say you had a cam that power peaks at 5200/ shifts at 5500.
When you outshift 3.08 first into 1.70second, the Rpm will drop to .552 or 3036, making your powerband requirement to be 5500-3036=2464 .. That's pretty wide..... The 5500rpm engine is not gonna make much power down at 3036.

But if you had an A833/2.66low, the common trans;, then outshifting 2.66first into 1.92 second, the Rs drop from 5500 x .722=3971 for a PB of 5500 less 3971=just 1529.... or 935rpm less! That's about 61% of the former, so more average power to the pavement. and 4000 will be just above the torque peak, so this engine is gonna really motor now. In fact,this could be a whole nuther combo. With the tight split, you can run a bigger cam with a more narrow LSA, without worrying much about anything below ~4000rpm .
Yeah, All that. (Thank You!) I just meant that it's the same Vroom vroom outta the hole and the same 1 to 1 at the end...