Time to Fix It Right

Ok guys, sorry for the slow turn-around here, been a busy week.

Yesterday I ran a compression test. Drove the car around for 10 minutes to get the engine up to temp, then pulled the plugs. The tester I have is a manual push-in type from a friend — it was difficult to get it seated properly on the Driver's side due to the high-rise manifold, but I was eventually able to get it seated and hold it in place without hearing any audible hiss on the compression stroke. Unfortunately for cylinders #1 and #5 I wasn't able to watch it on each stroke as the dial face had to be down to get it seated.

Anyhow, here are the results. Numbers were reached on the first stroke and didn't increase with subsequent strokes (these are averages of a few tests). After testing I realized I forgot to have the throttle blocked open, which I know will cause lower numbers overall — if that's enough of a reason to re-run the test I will definitely do so. Still, these are really low and the inconsistencies on the driver's side are worrying, right?

Driver's Side:
1 - 88
3 - 99
5 - 78
7 - 105

Passenger's Side:
2 - 98
4 - 99
6 - 98
8 - 89