Magnum gurus needed

Picked up a mid-project 2000 Magnum 5.9 for my 65 Valiant. I put an LA small block in my last Valiant. I know what is involved in actually putting this in the car but not familiar enough with magnums quite yet so need advice for the build, itself. Guy is moving and cant take it with him so he gave me everything he has for it. I was told that he had the rotating components internally balanced but I need more trained eyes than mine to take a look and see what you guys think. He also gave me a X style flex plate that i forgot to snap a pic of. I also have bare stock replacement magnum heads. Even if the crank/rods/pistons end up being not usable or can't be trusted, the block itself plus the new parts are already worth more than what I paid for everything. What do you guys think of this? Looks good? Any signs it was internally balanced? I can take the oil pan off for better pics once I put it on an engine stand. Thank for any info you guys can give or any other things you'd like to know. I'm starting a list of things I will need to get. Lots of photos of all parts incoming.......some keep giving errors but will keep trying to uplod