Need some help from my head machining buddies

He wants to unload it....... if the basic mechanicals of it are still good...... I’d say offer him a grand for it.

You should be able to move it on to a trailer with a pallet jack and some helpers.

I agree, moving machines is not as hard as you think, especially if you have a concrete floor to work with. I R an engineer, and I've been moving mills and lathes the Egyptian way for years. It's easy to roll them across the floor on three or four sections of 1/2" black pipe and a crow bar. I loaded these two 600+lb mills onto the trailer and off with the help of a buddy. I've done the same with a 2500 lb 14x40 metal lathe. Jack or pry the machine up onto short blocks and bolt a pair of boards to the base if the bottom of the base is not straight or even. Remove as much as you can and lower or remove the head to make it less tippy.

