Inflatable hot tub?

Well we've had it for a week now and so far again if it runs as it has this last week the next couple of years we will be over the moon.. it's just the two of us so it's not going to get any overuse or likely no abuse... It's been in the mid to low 50s and has been able to maintain its temperature... I read a lot of reviews before we purchased from different manufacturers and different styles. Most got four out of five stars and I would say 80% of the complainers mostly complained about setup. We know that there's not a lot of DIY people and it seems like this was the case especially when one or two people would say it was an easy setup even though the instructions weren't great with a little common sense.. right away I knew what the problem was... 90% of those said they loved it once it was set up...
Then about 10% said that it didn't heatenough to keep it going at a hundred and four over a half hour with the bubbles on and people playing in it... My wife and I can't stand being in it more than 15 minutes at 104 or over anyways... At about a hundred and two we can make it for good 20 minutes...
Then there was just a few people who said they got a pump that didn't work or heater that didn't work right out of the box or a couple that got a leak after some time... cracking these things out at a thousand at a time probably get you a couple few that don't work right away... seems to have a pretty good warranty but I don't want to find out what it takes to make a claim..

They are a good alternative to a quality 8K tub. If they do break out of warranty, buy a new one. It cost 1K just to run a 220 line to my deck!