The famous left handed guitarist

Probably left handed and forced to write right handed in grade school and the reason he signs autographs with his right...

They tried that with me in the first grade. I was left handed to begin with. The teacher would pop my hand with a ruler when she saw me writing with my left hand. I never complied. Then, over the summer of 1971, my first cousin flipped me in the backyard. I landed squarely on a root.......with my RIGHT collarbone. It broke of course. So that was that. They had to let me be left handed then. lol

I had always known Hendrix was right handed......which to me makes his his GIFT with the guitar even more pronounced. Here's a right handed guy, who takes a right handed guitar, flips it upside down leaving it strung right handed and plays probably better than anyone ever has or ever will. I would love to have seen his transformation had he lived.