Need some help from my head machining buddies

I’m getting the itch to buy something to improve my head seat valve angle machining. My buddy has he’s pretty sure a Peterson seat and guide machine. He hasn’t used it in over well over 10 plus years probably closer to 20 as he closed his shop. I honestly can’t remember what it even looks like but I know it has an air operated float table. Now if I would buy something like this can it be set up to do like 70-60-45-30-15 degree seats or 55 if I bought the cutters? He’s looking for around 2000.00 with tooling. He also had a mill but that would be to big for me. Thanks for any help.

I just sold my Peterson TCM-25 with the better fixture and all tooling and manuals for it. It’s a great machine and you should be able to cut whatever you want. Only real issue is the spindle rpms are preset (gear selection) not fully adjustable like more modern stuff. Also the table floats vs the head but on most old stuff that’s fine.
IMO $2k is a lot if it’s been dormant all this time.