'73 Duster Budget Barebones Re-Wire!

Yeah, that's a steal! It would be nice to have the option, and you bring up a good point about selling the car. I'm hoping that with the way everything is clearly labeled, it won't be too much of a headache to get it done. I'm pretty intimidated by wires, but I'm hoping this will be a perfect opportunity to learn. Having the extra circuits would be really nice, too. I appreciate it!

It's very simple. The key is take your time. I've done quite a few of them. When you cut your wires, make SURE they are run like you want them and cut them LONG. There have been a few instances, I've not cut at all. It's really easy to make a neat coil and stash it anywhere. The extra resistance amounts to nothing on low amp circuits like lights and you always have some extra wire if you ever make changes.