Opposing the law preventing sale of gasoline cars in California

Progress is progress, or is it sometimes merely change???? I am sure, and probably most who think of it all, that there will be viable autos that run on battery power. Maybe 18 wheelers will also, maybe. Maybe 18 wheelers will drive themselves down the highway. Farm combines already do this, although the owner is riding shotgun!
We have heard all our lives, all changes begin in Ca. The hula hoop. An ingenious invention of theirs. The skateboard? The hot rod maybe??? Or the West Coast version?
I believe even the average Californian, that is the one with brains, recognize that much of Ca. thinking about so many things is screwed up!?
Electric cars will become common, because the whole thing becomes feasible, engineering, costs, safety, need, etc.... not because some Ca. govenor decides to decree it to be!!!