A855 - 5 Speed

Has everyone with these tranys had issues ? If not what percentage ?

I did a search on fabo a year ago and found 1 trans that popped out of 4th. The member hasn't been active for years. I found another here with an issue but I couldn't find it again.
Iirc, there were 2 within this thread with no issues to date, and 2 who have yet to install.

The bigger problem, imo, is a minimum of 12 trans, 9 in one month, with the same exact issue.
A855 - 5 Speed

GFI states they have built 300 to date, unfortunately they are full of crap on a regular basis.
Our Story

By the time Huff got involved multiple trans had suffered damaged cases during shipping, broken bellhousing mounting tabs.
Did they 'fix' those, or just transfer the guts, and if transferring guts did they count that as 2 trans built?
My gut says yes.