Auxiliary water pump

Taking 15 minutes to get down to 190 after a pass is a problem, no matter the weather.
That is what you have to fix first.
My car doesn't even hit 180 after a pass, can hot lap it( and have many times) car has never gotten to even 190.
Turn my electric fan and water pump on and its 130-135 in 6 or 7 minutes, if that. No matter the conditions.
In 1/8 mile, dont even have to run fan and pump, it never approaches 180.
Again, what you are seeing is an issue.
Lean, timing, inadequate cooling( not enough fan maybe), those are all possibilities.
I would suspect the fan first. If its electric and isnt drawing at least 20+ amps, it isnt moving enough air to do you any good. Cheap parts store fans arent good enough.
I have seen the difference between a good fan and a cheapie parts store fan. Its astounding the difference. Had this xact problem with my current car. Cheap 40 dollar fan. Even with electric pump, took too much time to cool off. Swapped to a real fan( actually right at the track 3 years ago).... night and friggin day. Made a big issue a non issue quickly