Replace this timing chain?

That chain is dust! Probably hitting your timing chain cover too. You just answered my next question which was if there are 2 hatdened Torrington bearing races on the Milodon....I only got one with mine.....that 1 bolt hole you see on plate is the adjustment bolt you need to drill and tap into your block. Buy a new silent chain and tensioner and be done with it. Cheap enough. Even double rollers 'stretch' and will cause cam as well as ignition timing variances. Tensioner solves variances in timing but not the stretch inherent in any chain. Although some would argue the strength differences in the 5-7 plate silent type chain and the 4-6 plate double roller. Often the cogs wear , not so much the chain stretching. Iirc $$ . Rollmaster uses hardened cogs as well as a IWIS chain.