Well it's a dam* good thing I noticed the fine print LOLOL

No, what I'm saying is, the coverage I have on my dailies will cover any vehicle I rent from avid, hertz or what have you

So there is a chance they would cover this too (though I would double check before getting in)
i was an insurance agent for a little over 2 years. If you read the fine print on your policy, there will almost certainly be an underriding clause stating that coverages will not be provided for "performance driving" will be listed in it. Or it may say, off public road events something to that effect. 95% of the insurance companies out there wont cover it unless specifically designated to. There's only a small handful of companies that will cover performance driving in your policy and those are tied to the vehicle. Haggerty is one, but you have to declare that when you buy your policy.