Weight loss and perseverance

^^^^I have never had high blood pressure but my cholesterol was high. I have always etngood food and stayed away from lots of fried food, and never ate at a McDonalds but a few times!!! Three years ago, I had 2 arteries 98 % blocked and another ? % blocked the result was a triple bypass right in middle of Harvey flood!
But at 72 beginnng to wear out! I take huge Statin pill, and blood thinner, and also a real small high blood pressure pill. My BP slighly higher than it had been all my life which was normal.
I am active as in busy all day with physical stuff but I hve a hard time getting up and down. I could walk 10 miles but if I sit down, all a crane!!!!
I could add oranges to my diet!!
Funny thing is I had an aunt that had cholesterol in the 400's and lived to 95 her heart just wore out!
I did 60 sit ups every morning till a colt threw me into the barn and fruted vertebra in my back and neck back 15-20 years ago.. Took a year to get over, and could do them after that. Gonna have to get suspenders!!!!!!