Pancreatic cancer

while wifebeater and alcoholic are pretty black and blue, sorry, black and white, the racist part im leary about the racist moniker

i meet very few real racist nowadays, it seems most of the time the "racist" is someone who think illegal immigrants are criminals

Three thoughts... EDIT: four... went on a rant..

1. If I see things differently them someone, I'm could be called a racist these days... Not even close but hey, someone believes it so it must be true right?

2. I don't drink much, but my grand parents did. Major alcoholics. Some would say and I've actually had people tell me, that automatically makes me one... wtf?

3. I don't beat anyone who doesn't deserve it. What does that mean to you? I know folks, good folks who are plagued by "Ex's" who claim all sorts of things. it was mentioned she has mental health issues. How do you she is telling the truth?

4. I don't see how it's relevant what sort of person he is, or you think he his. Not even sure WHY it was mentioned other than to somehow use some social justice, virtue signalling so the op could feel better about his own negative feelings...

My step dad died of cancer in 6 weeks. My brother in laws brother held on for three years, my father has survived cancer twice. Don't wish that crap on anyone unless you're willing to go through it yourself...

Post is pretty effed up in my not so humble opinion.