You guys saved my A$$, again!

AND NOW another annoying story from the old days.

After the Navy I sold auto parts for about 15 years. One day an old guy came in, threw this Japanese starter on the counter, and said, "can you send this in to get it rebuilt?"

I said "yes, but why don't I check that we do or don't have one?"

"Oh you don't, I'm sure"

"Ok, what is it off of?"

"Right out front that old Datsun pickup." (I've forgotten, one of the old rounded fender Datsun pickups, a 66?)

"I said OK, but tell me do you start it?"

"It has a crank"

AND THEN I KNEW..........all the early Jap pickups had a long crank which you used to winch the spare tire down, and to operate the screw jack. AND the early models COULD BE CRANKED!!!!