Got any good tips for finding this car?

Great news on the title searches. In MD you used to be able to get the name and address of the last titled owner. Then the Privacy of information act passed and they quit doing it. Maybe they are doing it again. I gave my wife's uncle my 58 English Ford in the early 80's. Then he gave it back to me just before he passed away. His wife said some one offered her a lot of money for it. I still had a registration card and took it to DMV. They did a search and Uncle Ernie had never transferred the title, so they printed me a new one. I was loking over her shoulder and the screen listed every car I have ever owned, so the info is there. He died of Alzheimer's. She told him she was selling the old car and he told her it wasn't his, it was Joe's, make sure he gets it back. She was very good about it and made sure I had the opportunity to go get it. Funny, the last time I saw him he recognized me and my fishing buddy from way back when, but couldn't remember saying hello when he answered the door. He was another fishing buddy, sure miss him.

Sorry for getting O/T, good luck with your search.

I have tried in ND to do vehicle searches through the DMV and the only way you can do it is to give them the VIN or the license plate number. They will then send the owner of record a form that he/she has to sign to allow the DMV to send you their contact information. If the DMV can't find the car in their records, then you are pretty much out of luck.