Lost our Granddaughter one year ago today

Yes We all spent Thousands at the money grubbing ,no help rehab centers. Before the Devil got her she was a good Cristian girl. The hold was so strong we couldn't even bring her back to God. For some reason the only thing they see is how to get the next fix :(
As sad as that is, I see a silver lining in there
The Bible is clear, the gifts and callings of God are without repentance
Salvation is a Gift of God, so I have every reason to trust she is right now worshipping God with the angels

In fact, if you allow me the liberty, I believe, based on Luke 16:9 that there will come a moment in heaven, when your time on earth is spend, when the Lord Jesus will raise His nail pierced Hand and silence the worshippers
Then he will beccon Amanda to raise to her feet and say, hurry over to that Eastern Gate Daughter and open it. There is someone there whom I need you to welcome in