been looking for something

I bought a real good chitbox in 1978. And put it on the back-burner.
In 1980ish I bought a second same chitbox to drive, while saving up to fix the first chitbox. Well the babies came, and I blew the engine up in the second chitbox in about 83. Fast forward to 1998, and the kids are more or less all growed up.
By now chitbox number 2 is seriously chitboxed, so I decide to freshen chitbox #1, and put all the chitbox #2 stuff into it, and freshen #1 up.
But as it usually is, I needed some better chitbox parts that neither of these chitboxs had, so I hunt around and find chitbox #3, and drag it home. But chitbox #3 has a caved in roof, so I grab chitbox #4, going out the gate, for it's roof. Two years go by, while I HotRod #1. Number 2 chitbox is languishing, but I'm gonna fix it up one day........ I drag chitboxes 3 and 4 into the back-40, but fail to elevate them off the dirt; but I'll be back later to do it, ..... right....
Fast forward to 2020 and chitboxes 3 and 4 have been attacked by wildlife, and now are totally junk. And chitbox #2, while 3 ft in the air is just slowly raining red dust down to the dirt. And chitbox #1, the driver, is also being reclaimed by nature.
Anybody out there want my chitboxes? Call 555-chitboxs, lets talk.