Dartin for Divorce

I don't know why 8 stuck out in my mind. My bad. I do know with a small wrench, it's pretty tight. Good luck with it. It sounds like you're closin in.

We had sibling cats that we helped mama cat deliver back in 1999. She had more, but we adopted out all but two of that litter. It's funny, these two attached themselves to me, the male cat and Kitty his sister. Cats don't always bond, but these two did. My boy cat lived until 2015 at 16 and his sister lived until 2015 at 18. That's a long time for any small animal, much less a cat. I have one now, my Baby Pink Nose, that's totally attached to me. Follows me everywhere. Sleeps on my side of the bed, AWAY from Kitty. lol I'll probably be a basket case when she goes. She has a ways to go, hopefully, as she's six now.

Yea I thought it was 7-8 as well, then I looked up a calculator to convert it. Because @Tooljunkie said for me to be more exact instead of guestimating lol.