LOLOLOL!!!! A boy can dream, right?

In the early 2000s, I got a video game for Christmas. It was called Driver.
The graphics were what you'd expect from the time. There were pedestrians on the sidewalks and crossing the street at times. Every time I tried to hit them, they jumped out of the way. Yeah, it was some sick fun but anyway.....
The Grand Theft Auto series was a LOT different. It allowed the player to interact with random people. You could plow through massive amounts of people if you wanted. One really demented but funny thing was to steal a Fire Truck and use the hose to blast pedestrians with it. GTA4 was my favorite. They had missions to do, bounty hunting if you wanted, 50 hidden ramps to find and jump over things, pigeons to shoot, lists of cars to steal....all sorts of fun stuff.