1974 Brain Box saves the day.

Well for starters a person could mount the new control modules flat to the inner fenders or firewall, run the vehicle for a half an hour. Then take a temperature reading with an infra red heat test gun at the external heat sink.

Then switch the module's mount over to the Stand Off Bracket that @halofaxhopp is showing us for a better cooling mount for the module. Fire up the vehicle again and run for another 1/2 hour and do another heat test to the heat sink with the infra red test gun.


I am betting there will be a lower temp showing on the 2nd test because of the open back letting the heat out.

Would think a 15° lesser heat reading could be the difference of the module going for a long time, vs a failure at the higher temp.

Other external cooling steps could be accomplished by adding more additional surface area to the existing external heat sinks, to help radiate off more heat from the unit.

A couple simple steps before having to go inside the control modules.

Looking for reliability here on my part first and foremost. Pulling the heat out could keep them below the failure threshold.