Roller cam

That graph help me with a little misconception of my own.

I have always felt that for the "street"(classification of street, in this insistence......1200-1500 stall speed vacuum brake, vehicle) that the 113 would have more bottom end grunt..........and it might, in a tip in, throttle test. But in a full throttle test, 101 make more torque and stays ahead of the curve all the way threw.
However, vacuum restraints make the 113, hand down better all around "street" application

If you have a carb, and if you work with the tune up long enough (how long depends on how good you are and how effective your O2 meter is) the “tight” LSA will lose no driveablity and it will idle as low as you want to go.

I can get mine to idle at 750 and I’m not that close yet.