Can you ID ignition boxes and distributors from their numbers

I bought a car recently with retrofitted Mopar electronic ignition (originally points). Can anyone ID the ignition box and distributor from the numbers printed or engraved on tags? I understand that the quality of both units depends on the specifics and I'm trying to figure out if these are good to use on a street car with a mildly hopped up 340 or 318.
Here are the numbers on the boxes:
412 0505 and under it 0810 and a pentastar, under the pentastar 17778F
and the extra in the glove box: 4120505 and under it 0308 and a pentastar
They are both orange boxes with a blue and silver pieces attached.

on the distributor tag: 3690430 and above it 22 0 and in the corner an upside down 2,
and on the vacuum advance unit: 3656066

Thanks for any light you can shed on these!