"Back Jack"

Went and had the Vertiflex put in yesterday...hospital was 73 miles from home. Got home and the wife did not like how much blood she saw on the bandage. Called his office..."we need to see you". That trip was only 31 miles each way :rofl:. Needless to say his office is at the south end of the building..and the elevator is on the north....THAT was a long, slow walk.
Apparently one of the staples is seeping a bit of blood. The nurse at the docs office wanted to numb me back up, pop the staples out and put a "running stitch" in...whatever the hell that is. She called the doc and he said no..it would greatly increase my chance of infection.
Will be leaving shortly, docs office wants to check the wound/change the bandage today.
So far...only pain I feel is from the surgery....don't feel any of my regular pain.
Initially I was going to get a Vertiflex put in at L4-5 because of my bulging disc. MRI showed bulge had reduced but the disc at L3-4 has an increased amount of stenosis.
Really hoping that this works. I know I am always going to hurt some but if they can get a handle on it with the stimulator and this thing I am hoping that I can get off the drugs...they are really doing a number on me. Really starting to wonder if I have crossed over the line between dependent and addiction. Been on Dopioids well over a decade now. I feel very lost, mentally. Have damn near 0 ability to focus. I found a book that describes how the auto focus system works on one of my camera bodies...and how to make it work correctly for the type of images you take. Have had the book for over a month now...can't get past page 8. It is not I don't understand it...I just lose focus and have to put the book down. Try to read it again the next day...and simply don't remember any of what I read :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead: