Input for 340 upgrades

$7.50 a gallon is your bane. Not mine.The cost of fuel is relative. Don’t ***** about it. Deal with it or don’t. Get a second job or get a higher mileage car. Honda makes a good one for you. But!!!!!!

You can always move to the USA and enjoy the current $1.93 a gallon I pay. At the time, when I was doing the driving, fuel was $3.50+. Getting parts is cheaper, easier and quicker as well.
Get a better job ? been retired for 15 years . I'm happy with the GV you not good with me , no problem where did i ***** about it , just stating a fact .
Buy a Honda now that is funny , I drive American if at all possible , have 2 jeeps , an explorer and an escape for winter months , just don't like driving them , on the lookout for an old , pre 75 Bronco for winter , if it rusts i'll rebuild money isnot the object , it's the getting out of the car to fill it that bothers me , if i had a 30 gallon tank in my Dart i could live with 15 mpg