What Is This? Old, magnetic, Not Mopar

Vietnam OP/LP's (observation/Listening post) used to tape the leads to their fingers at night so there was no audible ring to the field phone that they had wired up. Also woke them up if the were sleeping! Getting hit with AC current kicks hard! 90V AC ring voltage on todays phones will make you jerk your hand back.

Not long after I first bought my house, this was decades ago, the phones started effin' up. Ringer would start to tinkle and then just fizzle, speech would be garbleed ????? One day I was sitting on the toiled and noticed a bulge tucked under the top of the mopboard right by the shower. THERE HAD BEEN a homeowner added extension in the bath, cut it loose and just tucked the wire under. Thing was wet and had got dirty enough to become conductive--shorted out the ringer voltage