Want to move a car to Australia?

This is exactly what I posted some time ago about...
"The closer we get to the election, the more I think about something that has been a concern of mine for quite a while. If the "left" i.e. AOC and others like her get into powerful positions, allowing them to implement their far left (environmental) agendas, our love of cars may become a thing of the past. There were rumblings from the left several years ago, about removing older cars from our highways, along with having to take your newer cars to a government approved repair facility to be worked on. No more owner maintenance. I remember a petition at an AutoZone in North Arkansas, asking for signatures to send to State Representatives to vote against any bill trying to enforce such action. There are in fact people in the government (given the position of power) that would do just that. It could happen...most never thought they would see our country in the state of the chaos we are experiencing.