Embarrassing medical exams

To #7 I was sitting in the centre of the Mall on a bench waiting for my wife to finish shopping. I was people watching so here comes this white kid and he has his Afro hair dyed 4 colours yellow on top blue stripe red stripe green stripe like the rings on Saturn. Well I guess I was staring at him he noticed and stormed over and barked what’ca staring at? I replied I thought that was the point because if you didn’t want people to stare at you you wouldn’t have your hair like that. He looked at me for a sec then continued on. Two other people with in ear shot just burst out laughing which made me laugh
In my younger years I was a little on the rough side, and even sported a Mohawk for a while
One day I'm sitting in a bar, drinking, and this order guy keeps staring me down so I finally say "what, you never did anything stupid when you were younger?"

Without skipping a beat, the old guy said
Sure, in fact, I once got so waisted I made out with a chicken, and I was just wondering if you could be my son