Clutch torque shafts/Z-Bars

I have several manual trans Clutch linkage cross shafts, also known as Z-Bars. They are of different lengths.
I will list them with pictures and NUMBERS. I ask that buyers please respond with the number and size of the one that you want so that you get the correct one that you need. Some have a rod that contacts the clutch fork, some do not. ALL will need to be refinished as they all are used and a bit dusty. $25 for EACH plus shipping. PayPal accepted, parts will ship from Granite Bay, CA.

Part 1 A

Z B 1A.jpg Z B 1B.jpg

Part 2 A

Z B 2A.jpg Z B 2B.jpg Z B 2B.jpg

Part 3 A

Z B 3A.jpg Z B 3B.jpg Z B 3B.jpg