Need Help finding/figuring out half dead fuse box problem

This sounds like a typical major primary power distro problem. If the car still has a full current ammeter, might be there, or certainly in the problematic bulkhead connector. You need to rustle up a service manual...Let me see if I can look up some "stuff........................."

EDIT....these do not use a full current ammeter

FIND OUT if it has the dreaded seat belt interlock. If so, find the reset device under the hood.....a box the size of a horn relay with a reset button. Find the two yellowish wires and permanently splice those together

NOTE!!! The factory diagrams are not line drawings such as the older cars, it is therefore impossible to print "meaningful" sections of the diagram as they are all chopped up

Note that J2, dark blue is "ignition run" and that it appears at the fuse block



