Rookie balancer mistake

Heating wont hurt it. The crank and the damper gets hot during running (at least as hot as the oil!) and boiling water can only get to 212, about the temp of warm oil so that is what another manufacturer suggested for assisting in their products installation. If the balancer is about 212F and the crank is stone cold, you got a nice head start sliding that thing on, heck you may even get it to bottom on the first try. Silicone can run for days at 150C (300F) with no change in characteristics so 30 minutes at 100C (212F ) is nothing. They don't tell you to heat up a press fit alternator pulley either to install it, but it sure helps. Hit it with a propane torch for about a minute and that puppy slid right on the 17mm shaft without effort. And it was a PITA to get it off even with the right ALT pulley puller so it was on uber tight.