My Dart Swinger Project!

I've been lurking for quite some time. I marvel at how you persevere, lacking a garage and "fancy tools". I credit you for being one of those that, not only make do with what you have, but possibly work miracles with less-than-basic "necessities". You remind me of me; how I managed to put stuff together decades ago, with practically nothing to work with. Keep On Keeping On!!
Thanks man I appreciate the support. What I lack in money i make up for with hard work and effort lol sometimes you just gotta think outside the box. I know its not perfect and to some people unacceptable but im doing my best and I will continue to work to my satisfaction. Sometimes I do something and im like nope I don't like that and will do it over and over till im satisfied. I have also learned to know when to stop and accept the fact that is probably good enough haha. For instance my dash bezel I kept redoing it over and over because I was happy with it and ended up ruining it by sanding to much and had to buy another lol but it turned out great imo!