I Love my Wife (or Husband)

I knew I would marry my wife the moment I met her. When we met she was sitting in the passenger side of her friends car just sitting there as her friend was talking to somebody so, having huge balls and, aclot beers before hand I walked up, opened the door and got in the back seat of her friends car..( didn't know either one of them). We started hanging out but, she would not date me saying "I don't date people who drink like you do, in fact I have never met someone who drinks as much as you do." I told her i can be done with that. Next day I stopped drinking...a few weeks later she agreed to go out with me. We married 3 years later and though I do drink a little its not nearly what it used to be and, that's ok. It hasn't always been clowns and ice cream cones but, we are stronger now than ever. She's the best!!


