Progression Ignition- Thoughts?

I bought one to replace my MSD Pro-billet that I had locked out at 35*. Money well spent in my book.

Why? to gain a fully adjustable vacuum advance, and have start retard. Short of having an EFI style digital ignition control, it's the only way I have heard of getting such easy to change timing control, including fully adjustable vacuum advance.

My car loves it, and I get real time feedback as to where my timing is while driving at various throttle positions and cruise speeds. It is a helpful and enlightening tool.

No one is going to be able to "hack" it, as it would take some computer guru like a Russian, North Korean or Iranian expert to set up with in 15 feet of the car to break the digital code to pull that off. There's just no $ in it to bother.

So are you running a curve or is it locked out and you added vacuum advance??