in todays episode of Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...

im doing some remodeling

as you may remember, i build a loft for my middle girl a while ago

this loft sits on top of a closet that protrudes into her room

(a few pics from while it was under construction)



now, this last picture is shows a shared wall with my youngest girls room
she sleeps on the second floor, so her floor is about level with the floor of the loft

the girls have been bugging me for a while about building a "secret doorway" between the two room

ok, no biggy
i got drywall in the loft, and wood paneling in the babies room

so i figured, i start in the babies room and cut out one panel, hinge it like a door
cut out the drywall in the loft, frame it in, and put a picture of rita hayworth to cover it up

sounds simply enough (that should have been my first clue)

So, here is my progress

this is the babies room when i started


got some trim removed


ok, first piece of paneling gone, only to find...more paneling?
i was expecting drywall, or studs, but OK


ok, what i was NOT expecting, is a BOOK CASE
why builds a wall over a book case?



so, after i ripped out the back of the back case, i found what looks like exterior sheathing

so, now im lost

am i looking at the inside of an origenal exterior wall?

im not sure of i want to chop through this
honestly, im not sure what to make of this AT ALL

i thought this would be a cool project, but not at the cost of risking the structural integrity of the house

@Cope what are your thoughts?


