Well the 2020 race season is over

All i can say to all this ho ha is, that some find racing fun and then all the BULL PUCKY, takes all the fun out of it, and they look of another hobby.
Me, my self, i started drag racing when i was 17(against my parents wishes) and sence that day, have not missed a racing season. some vary lean, some full years.
Some day, i may be unable to open that car door, but i will still be wishing that i could. Watching drag racing in the grand stands drive me nut!!!! would much rather be setting in the staging lane grumbling because it hot out and I have been setting in the lanes for hours.

Drag Racing is a "Family" and i love them all!!!!!!! And just like a family you have them relative you would rather not see, but hay, there part of the family! :thumbsup: