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Power doesn’t decrease the engines life, the driver does. I used to sled pull and worked for an aftermarket diesel company. A vast majority of engine or driveline issues were a result of drivers doing stupid **** day in and day out. My truck, I built it from stock at 63,000 miles. Dyno tuned and tested to north of 1500 ft lbs at the back tires. I drove it that way for 4.5 years, sold it with 378,000 miles on her. Two weeks before I got rid of it, she dynoed her best pull ever at 1546 ft lbs. only thing I ever broke was the clutch and that was me doing a boosted 35 psi clutch dump on an abandoned air strip not once but three times. Tore out the clutch center. Went to a double disc South Bend set up and never looked back.

Ok? My diesels don't do any type of work. Their highway queens. I might have pulled a trailer once or twice with both trucks. Their both more truck than I really need. Hell I might have put the LLY in 4x4 twice. I didn't need it thats why the Powerstroke is 2wd.