Tig welder for a beginner

This mentality of go big or don't go out at all is what kept me out of welding for many many years! As I felt I couldn't afford it. You don't have to have the best of the best to start out with. a chitty welder is probably better because if you can perfect that when you finally get that good welder your welds are gonna be 10 times better! You can get by and make acceptable welds with a cheap welder is it ideal or the best out there? No of course not but for someone on a strick budget like myself that just wants to learn you don't have to "go big" and spend 2k on a welder! I have done alot of projects that people told me I couldn't do on my 89 dollar harbor freight flux core welder! Same applies with tig welding!

With a tig, things are different. The fact is you NEED big for aluminum, and you CAN BUY big because of these dinosaur transformer machines that are out there. A 120V AC powered welder is going to go nowhere with aluminum. Yeh. There are lots of import/ DC only tigs (inverters), and you can't weld aluminum with 'em.

The fact is, you can "rig" an AC buzzbox with a high freq converter and a bottle and "do aluminum." But that does not get you a foot control, and with guys like me who are struggling anyhow, not having a foot control is a killer.