I Think I’m Getting Old

Me and a buddy were just talking about how when we got out of high school a good shortbed c10 was 2k maybe 3. Now guys are getting 15-20k. :wtf: Like was said above this is happening to everything from old tractors, boats, antiques of all kinds, and furniture. I am 38 and a pessimist but I truly believe it's because people know that the way things were, were as good as things were ever going to be. Of course not as efficient, or quiet, but on the scale of simplicity and just joy to use. Just the feeling old stuff gives you of touching another time, a better time. The worse the world gets the more people are willing to pay to remember it how it was. Just my opinion.

Same, I remember shortbeds selling for a couple grand but nowhere near 5k. Now their closer to 10k.