The boss of the household.



FABO Gold Member
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Just North of Montana
I was thinking, when the kids were here, the wife was the boss of the house. Nobody questioned her, she ran the show, and quite well I will add.

Since the kids left and only her and I are here, the rules have changed a bit. When I'm not around, she is the boss. She can run things however she feels. I have no issue with that whatsoever. Although, it is a kind of meaningless title without subjects to lead!

Then when I'm back in the house, she is still the boss, but only I have to listen! It still works pretty good overall.

OK, I just took a break after sweeping the floors, now I gotta get them mopped up.
Talk to you later. :)
I was thinking, when the kids were here, the wife was the boss of the house. Nobody questioned her, she ran the show, and quite well I will add.

Since the kids left and only her and I are here, the rules have changed a bit. When I'm not around, she is the boss. She can run things however she feels. I have no issue with that whatsoever. Although, it is a kind of meaningless title without subjects to lead!

Then when I'm back in the house, she is still the boss, but only I have to listen! It still works pretty good overall.

OK, I just took a break after sweeping the floors, now I gotta get them mopped up.
Talk to you later. :)
When the weekends come and I have a couple days off, my wife always asks me, what I am going to do?
My answer: I don't know, you have not told me yet.
Now that the kids aren't around I have to keep telling her she's not my boss. I did tell her just a few weeks ago, "if this is what retirement is going to be like....then i'm never retiring". I don't know why she didn't think that was funny.
Now that the kids aren't around I have to keep telling her she's not my boss. I did tell her just a few weeks ago, "if this is what retirement is going to be like....then i'm never retiring". I don't know why she didn't think that was funny.
No sense of HA HA I guess ???